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Save the Date 1

Save the Date 2

Save the Date 3


4 thoughts on “Breeden Save the Date & Notecards

  1. Hi! I love how these are looking thank you so much!!

    I like the design/wording, hotel card, and envelop of Save the Date 1 but would like to do the font style of Save the Date 2 for all of it!

    Our website url is:

    We are staying at the Joule Hotel and Dallas Marriott Downtown

    Lastly, I haven’t heard back from our photographer on changing the color of the photo, so I added a new picture in color of us to use.

  2. Hi there! I’m so sorry to go back to the original after you made the changes, but I think I want to use everything from “save the date one” and scratch “save the date 3”. Wanted to see a second font style in that wording and solidified that I like one the best . I will upload all the address into the sheet asap. Thank you!!

  3. Leslie, no worries at all! I’m glad seeing the second version helped you decide! Will send the final proof for you to approve & sign off on.

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